Clarisa, Junior Roto Artist at ILM

Join Clarisa, junior roto artist at ILM in Singapore, as she discusses channeling a creative passion that began with fashion design to become a visual effects artist.

Casey, Junior Concept Artist at ILM

Join Casey, junior concept artist at ILM, as she discusses how her childhood dream of becoming an animator eventually led to a dream career in concept art development.

Bridgette, Software Engineer at ILM

Join Bridgette, software engineer at ILM, as she explores her career path and how it’s possible to combine analytical skills with a creative imagination.

Adeline, Lighting Technical Director at ILM

Join Adeline, lighting technical director at ILM, as she discusses becoming the first person in her family to pursue a career in art and how she uses lighting tools to make visual effects look believable.

April, Junior Compositor at ILM

Join April, junior compositor at ILM, as she shares her journey from South Korea to Canada, studying movies to learn the culture and language of her new home, and how she broke into the visual effects industry.

André, Sound Editor at Skywalker Sound

Join André, supervising sound editor at Skywalker Sound, as he discusses how an early interest in movies inspired him to explore the possibility of editing audio for a living.

Allie, Technical Assistant at ILM

Join Allie, technical assistant at ILM, as she discusses the many teams she collaborates with and why her role is a good stepping stone into visual effects.